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[ the conversation chair ] Summer Talk

The Conversation Chair usually finds itself in hibernation over the hot summer months, but this year it seems to have become the remedy to the same old boring chit chat about the weather. 

It's really hot. 
There are way more interesting things to connect over than being sweaty, and across 3 cool little Conversation Chair indoor pop-ups this summer we've had strangers sitting, talking and sharing some very cool moments of sameness. 

Conversations with yourself

It all started with a book launch, then came an HR conference, and then a Conversation Chair residency for 4 days over Ramadan in the Lululemon store in Mall Of Emirates. 
We love seeing the diversity of the people that sit on the chair and watching the moments shift from awkward to engaging, with the end result always being that the two people on the chair didn't think chatting to a random human being could be SO GOOD.
Check out the pics...

Keep an eye on our social media to see when & where The Conversation Chair will pop up next.