blog - all the latest happenings in [sameness] project land. Keep up to date with all the action.

[ sameness stuff ] Pressing Pause

For 5 solid years now, we've worked really hard to create beautiful, socially innovative projects, all aimed at eradicating apathy and infusing our community with empathy. This is all so that humanity may see humanity, and from that essential starting point, tap into their self-generated empowerment in genuinely making a difference in the world. 

We have always been a small team, and now with an ever-changing economic landscape that is proving to be challenging even to the biggest of organisations and initiatives in Dubai, we are having to review our working model, to go even smaller.
BUT, we're also making sure that, in the process, we do not disappear altogether, as this work is important to us, and we recognise its value to ourselves, our community, our corporate clients and to the world that is only moving at a faster pace towards social innovation via empathy-building – the core mandate of our business. 

So, we are giving ourselves a much-deserved break, and we're calling it The Winter Pause. It's to allow us to catch our breath as well as to create space for incubation of ideas for a way forward and for more goodness to spread into the world, in a sustainable way. Our Pause will be for 60 days, so we may take our overdue leave holidays as well! 

Until we meet again soon, we wish you all happy holidays, with moments that restart your hearts and bring smiles to all those around you. 

What will this mean for our amazing community friends and corporate partners?

  1. You will see fewer activities on our social media in this coming period, and until March, as well as less media coverage/appearances
  2. There will be no community projects over this period, but for inspiration, you may want to check out all our past heart-opening, thought-provoking and soul-inspiring videos, blogs, and articles to keep the sameness message well an alive until we meet again. Click here: DABBLE + BLOG + FACEBOOK
  3. We may not answer your emails as promptly as we normally do. So, please do email  if it's in regards to urgent project planning/commissioning and urgent meetings. Key word - urgent.
  4. Our will be re-directed and responded to much later. To help with most common queries, we have added an FAQ on our website, so you get your answers immediately by clicking here.
  5. For corporate adoption of any of the following, please contact with any of the following specific subject titles of projects of interest to you:

_Water For Workers Internal Engagement event: tailor-made & small scale for schools or corporates
_Conversation Chair: for cultural public events or corporate internal engagement
_Empathy Pack: for corporate initiatives or schools/Universities
_We've Got Your Back: Health & Wellness initiative for migrant workers, taxi drivers, and/or corporate employees
_Restart The Art: For sponsoring 2 or more white labourer buses to be covered with collaborative art work
_Talk invite: Talks/panels/conference participation on the subject of social innovation and/or empathy-building