[ the conversation chair ] Work Place Chit Chat
/We love taking #TheConversationChair to different places and different spaces, and we love having different people sit and get their chit chat on.
The last adventure with #TheConversationChair was quite unique as we set up at the EY Dubai offices and had a few of their executive partners step out of their daily busyness, turn their phones on silent, sit down, and have a face to face conversation. They covered everything from dream vacations, to their legacy, to business, and family life, sharing some pretty powerful moments of sameness together on the chair.
We were on hand to record those conversations with our video camera machines and we put together a lovely little Conversation Chair video for their internal use.
The video was awesome, and you're going to have to take our word on that because it's for EY eyes only, but we can share a few little screen grabs to show off the goodness of sameness colliding with the workplace.
Sameness doesn't just exist in social settings and it's cool to see the concept making in-roads into the places where people sometime spend a massive amount of time together without ever really getting to understand or find the sameness in each other.
Maybe that's a challenge in your workplace?
If so, here are the 9 chit chat starters that were used in this round of #TheConversationChair. Feel free to grab yourself a drink, a colleague (if you're at work) and answer these for yourself...